Fuel Systems
We all know gasoline has changed over the years, for some reason Unleaded or Leaded gasoline isn’t an issue when we are at the pumps. With changes to gasoline and how efficient it is we have also seen new and innovative ways to deliver that gasoline to our engines. When was the last time you even saw a Carburetor? Maybe at the Cache Valley Cruise-in? Modern Fuel injection has created its own pitfalls with tiny particles clogging injectors or even literally making them sticky. Many car manufacturers are now using direct-injection (DI) technology in their new designs because it increases fuel efficiency meaning MPG and POWER. Ever wonder why the Ford F150 has a V6 Turbo standard that makes more horsepower than the V-8 and uses less Gas? You can thank Direct Injection for that.
This technology, which was initially created to make diesel engines quieter and more fuel efficient, changes the way fuel enters the engine. This change allows carbon, a black sooty dust, to build-up on the engine’s intake valve and other surfaces inside the engine.
In port-injection engines, the fuel enters the engine before the intake valve. This means that the fuel is flowing over the valve as part of the engine’s normal operation. Most gasoline sold today contains additives whose sole job is to help remove carbon from the intake valve and other parts of the engine and these additives do their work as the fuel flows into the intake valve. But DI bypasses that process, injecting the fuel directly into the cylinder. This means the additives in the fuel never come in contact with the surfaces most likely to experience carbon build-up.
When carbon builds-up in the car’s engine it can cause a couple different problems. First, the engine will lose power. One of the main problems carbon build-up does is to change the ratio of fuel to air in the engine. This can happen if sensors stop functioning properly because of carbon build-up or if build-up keeps the intake valve from closing properly. This can make the engine sluggish and cause it to stall. Carbon build-up can also significantly degrade fuel efficiency, causing the car to get fewer miles to the gallon than it should be getting.

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Our Mission is simple: We take responsibility for QUALITY... We deliver CUSTOMER SATISFACTION... We are committed to SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY... We act with INTEGRITY in all that we do... We regard our SUPPLIERS as essential team members... We seek out the best TRAINING...

There are some things that will cause carbon to build-up faster that those with cars that are prone to carbon build-up problems should avoid. Filling the tank with low grade gasoline which is less purified and usually has a higher concentration of contaminants can increase carbon build-up in the engine. If the ratio of fuel to air is off, as mentioned above, carbon will accumulate more quickly. Using the car primarily for short trips can also increase problems with carbon build-up as the engine doesn’t run long enough or hard enough to get hot enough to burn any of the carbon off.
The cars that are at the highest risk for carbon build-up problems are those that use DI, although not all cars that use this type of fuel injection system have experienced this issue. Audi, Mini Coopers, and some VW and BMW models are the cars where the factory recommends these services. Carbon issues are not limited to just European but other Brands as well, Mazda, Ford, Subaru and Nissan are just a few. For owners of these cars, the carbon build-up problem means they must invest in additional maintenance on a regular basis to have the carbon cleaned from their engine.
When cars experience issues with carbon build-up, the build-up must be cleaned out of the engine. Most auto repair shops can perform this kind of service but it can be costly, depending on the type of car and the work required to remove the build-up. If your car is having any of these problems, have Import Auto Inspect it and recommend what can be done to solve the immediate issue and over the long term to protect your engine and keep your car on the road.
Who Doesn’t Want?
- Clean fuel injectors
- Clean throttle body
- Clean plenum and air intake
- Clean intake valves and ports
- Combustion chamber deposits removed
- Corrects balance of fuel and air in system
- Better Fuel Economy, Saving money at the pump
- Restored Engine Performance
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Locations Served
Import Auto is the #1 Family Owned & Operated European Automotive Service & Repair Company serving the following areas: Hyde Park, Logan, North Logan, Providence & Smithfield.